Nice to meet you :)

Hey, I’m Tamar Green, a photographer who thrives on quiet moments and fleeting beauty. My photos aren’t just snapshots—they’re a language of their own, speaking through colors, light, and shapes in ways words can’t touch.

When I’m behind the lens, it’s like a soul connection—I’m totally absorbed in what I see, letting the light reveal its secrets, day after day.

Inspiration hits me in the everyday stuff: the lines on the sidewalk, the little details in buildings, clouds drifting over hills, or even just the way sunlight hits a single flower. I’ll snap a hundred pics of it, or even just the foam on my morning coffee.

I’m all about places that feel pure and peaceful, drawn to those moments that are simple but profound.

My photos range from serene monochromes to vibrant bursts of color—I'm always chasing the rainbow. Sharing my work feels like unlocking a treasure trove of beauty collected along the way, as if every step of my journey has led me right here.